“Her Fathers Daugther”
© Babalonshi Biab Od Micma
Dirty mouthed sexy whore
From face to pussy to backdoor
Her Father’s lust for more, more, more!
Back again for round two
Infernally blessed at what she can do
Single double triple ride
Off her tongue HIS poison doth slide
With confidence, ego and pride
Wanton cravings fiends desire
Both word and action of the fire
Of her hunger you shall never tire
Dripping, gushing, oozing juice
Trailing from her chin
From HIS grasp you shall never loose
Forever reveling in sin
Moan and scream, whimper and plead
For more of her magick you would willingly bleed
As she obliges your pitiful need
Father has crudely planted HIS seed
Dirty mouthed sexy whore
From face to pussy to backdo
She’s Fathers daughter forevermore