I wandered beside the running stream, and mine eyes
caught the glint of Thy Starry Orbs in the swirling waters.
So is it with my mind; it flows on towards the Great Sea of Under- standing
wherein I may come to know Thee more fully.
Sometimes, as it journeys, it threatens to overflow its banks in its
eagerness to reflect a wider image of Thine Infinite Body.
Ah! How the very stones, over which flow the life of my being,
thrill at the tender caress of Thy reflected Image.
Thou, too, art Matter; it is I – Thy Complement – who am motion!
Therefore these very stones are of Thee, but the Spirit – the Life –
is the very Self of me; mine Inmost Being.
Flow on, O Stream! Flow on, O Life!
Towards the Great Sea of Understanding, the Great Mother.