And I beheld a great wonder in Heaven
a Woman clothed with the Sun
and the Moon was at Her feet
and on Her Head was the Diadem
of the Twelve Stars
Hear me, Our Lady Isis, hear and save.
O Thou, Queen of Love and Mercy!
Thou, crowned with the Throne!
Thou, horn’d as the Moon!
Thou, whose countenance is mild and glowing, even as grass refreshed by rain!
Hear me, Our Lady Isis, hear and save!
O Thou, who art in Mater manifest!
Thou Bride and Queen as Thou art Mother and Daughter of the Crucified!
O Thou, who art the Lady of the Earth!
Hear me, Our Lady Isis, hear and save!
O Thou, Our Lady of the Amber Skin!
Lady of Love and Victory! Bright gate of Glory through the darkling skies!
O crowned with Light and Life and Love!
Head me, Our Lady Isis, hear and save!
By Thy Sacred Flower, the Lotus of Eternal Life and Beauty;
By Thy love and mercy;
By my desire toward Thee;
In the name of Aeshoori;
Hear me, Our Lady Isis, hear and save!
Open thy bosom to Thy child!
Stretch wide thy arms and strain me to Thy Breast!
Let my lips touch Thy lips ineffable!
Hear me, Our Lady Isis, hear and save!
Lift up Thy Voice and aid me in this hour!
Lift up Thy Voice most musical!
Cry aloud, O Queen and Mother!
Lift up your heads, O ye Gates,
And be ye lift up, ye everlasting Doors.
And the King of Glory shall come in!
Hear me, Our Lady Isis, and receive!
By the symbol of Thy whirling force the Svastika of Flaming Light,
I invoke Thee to initiate my soul.
The Invocation of Isis
Lamp of the Invisible Light
Aleister Crowley