Man is not dead…

Man is not dead when he is cold, stiff, pulseless, breathless, and even showing signs of decomposition; he is not dead when buried, nor afterward, until a certain point is reached. That point is, when the vital organs have become so decomposed, that if reanimated, they could not perform their customary functions; when the mainspring and cogs of the machine, so to speak, are so eaten away by rust, that they would snap upon the turning of the key. Until that point is reached, the astral body may be caused, without miracle, to reenter its former tabernacle, either by an effort of its own will, or under the resistless impulse of the will of one who knows the potencies of nature and how to direct them. The spark is not extinguished, but only latent – latent as the fire in the flint, or the heat in the cold iron.

The kabalists say that a man is not dead when his body is entombed. Death is never sudden; for, according to Hermes, nothing goes in nature by violent transitions. Everything is gradual, and as it required a long and gradual development to produce the living human being, so time is required to completely withdraw vitality from the carcass. “Death can no more be an absolute end, than birth a real beginning. Birth proves the preexistence of the being, as death proves immortality,” says the same French kabalist – Eliphas Levi.

Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 – 1891)
“Isis Unveiled” Vol 1 (Chapter XII/XIII)

Image: © Nekromantik (1987) movie

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