Author: northvegr
The Beauty of the Rain
“There are a hundred things she has tried to chase away the…
To the Star
´Tis such a long way to the star Rising above our shore…
The Good-Morrow
And now good-morrow to our waking souls,Which watch not one another out…
God Damn That Noise Inside My Head
God Damn That Noise Inside My Head Visions as violent as violent…
The Overview Effect
The overview effect is a cognitive shift in awareness reported by some astronauts during spaceflight, often while…
A parable of immortality
I am standing upon the seashore…A ship at my side spreads her…
Writing Human History
I know you went your way I promised that I’d stay Part…
Blue here is a shell for you
Blue songs are like tattoos You know I’ve been to sea before…
Home on a Monday
Can you guess where I’m calling from? The Las Vegas Hilton, I…
I believe…
“I can believe things that are true and things that aren’t true…